How to make your YouTube video trending? | Commercial Production Company

The Sinematic Pineapple
4 min readOct 18, 2023


The difference between a trending YouTube video is the one barely making it to 500 views and the one getting millions of views within a week, sometimes within 48 hours. Money-wise, some earn 5 cents per video, others hundreds of dollars. That’s the YouTube algorithm. You don’t want to be there to exist, you should be there to be trending.

Is YouTube algorithm a rocket science?

Not if you understand the basic objectives behind it and are willing to go the entire mile to achieve those objectives. The first important thing is the ‘watch time’ which includes not only the duration for which the video was watched but also includes number of views, the number of sessions started, the session duration, the duration of views, the frequency with which you have uploaded videos on your channel and how many sessions have ended on the video.

Why all this for making ONE video trending? This is because YouTube assesses the frequency of visits on your channel if they stay longer on YouTube when they come to your channel, and how good your channel is at attracting new visitors or viewers.

Having said that, we want to add that the duration of the video is still the second-largest algorithm. It’s a general observation that videos of under five minutes in length already cut the viewing time while those with over eight minutes or longer are able to sustain the duration of views better for obvious reasons. It doesn’t mean that under eight-minute videos are bad but that longer videos would any day outperform shorter ones in duration algorithm. In fact, a study by TubeFilter suggests that longer videos do 350% better than shorter videos.

Why does the existence of a channel matter?

YouTube does want to promote channels more than individual videos. This is because long-term engagement happens on YouTube when someone lands on a video and then ends up exploring other videos on the same channel. How do we know this? That’s because 50% of the recommended videos are from the same channel, 40% from partner or related channels, and 10% other less related trending videos.

Another vital algorithm is the session starts. This means that someone lands on YouTube through one of your videos and then stays on the site for a longer time. When your channel gets more sessions starts, YouTube starts sending more viewers to your channel.

How to make your YouTube video trending?

1. Create long-form video content

As we explained earlier, ask your video commercial production company to create a meaningful and focused commercial video content for at least eight to 10 minutes if not longer. This would automatically increase the duration of your views. However, a word of caution is to find a topic that’s engaging and justifies that length of time at least this duration backfires.

Take inspiration from this simple YouTube video about building a swimming pool by using primitive tools, it’s at least 13 minutes long and has more than 1 million likes and nearly 10 million views.

2. Make people watch it quickly

If you are investing in promoting your YouTube video, make sure you do it in the first three days of releasing the video. The goal is to make as many people watch the video in the first 48 to 72 hours. Make sure they are valid views no matter where. You can serve to your targeted audience later but get as many views as possible in the beginning for the video to pay off.

3. Create smart video impressions

This means the thumbnail and the bit of the video that shows upon hovering on your video. This also includes a title that explains the video — make it a sensational headline (but avoid clickbait) or a surprising title to hook your viewers. Your thumbnail must be attractive enough to make people stop dead in their tracks and click. Again, avoid thumbnails that are simply attractive but are not part of your actual content. You will scare away viewers permanently if you do this. A thumbnail is also an excellent way to showcase a brand personality. Watch YouTube videos of influencers such as Jesse Driftwood or Jordon Taylor — their thumbnails are signature yet different each time to sustain their brand personality and still attract new views.

4. Optimize metadata for better search and visibility

Video production alone is not enough for your company or agency. It’s vital that you optimize the meta description of your YouTube videos. This includes your title, your tags, and your description. Never ever fill your description with tags, there’s an actual field for the tags. Describe in detail what the video is about, keep the suspense but write to intrigue viewers. Don’t forget to include call-to-action links in your description — remember that’s the whole point of your YouTube marketing.

5. Avoid experimental videos

If you are not sure of a certain video content, ask your commercial production agency or production company to modify it to suit your channel or audience. Don’t experiment for the heck of it because bad videos hurt your channel.

6. Be a consistent YouTuber

As we shared about the YouTube algorithm and how it works, it’s safer to say that consistency matters in getting more views not only to one video but also to your entire channel. Fix up your frequency based on your video production budgets or the commercial production company but make sure you follow your timelines consistently.

YouTube marketing needs a clear content strategy that you may develop with the help of your commercial production company. It’s vital that you stick to content that’s most relevant to your branding or services.



The Sinematic Pineapple

We are a leading production company located in New York and Los Angeles.